4582 W. Wallen Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46818


Finding appropriate outlets for your Fido’s energy and intellectual needs can be invaluable for their mental and behavioral health. Dogs that are showing destructive behaviors in the home are often simply bored. Providing them with an enriching experience like exploring, running, sniffing, and playing at Fido’s Forest might be the perfect solution. Does your dog suffer from anxiety or reactivity? A visit to Fido’s Forest might help with that too! Many dogs are most comfortable when they are off-leash and able to be free to explore outside and just like exercise for humans, stress-reducing activities for dogs can have a direct impact on reactivity and anxiety. Check out more benefits below.

Just some of the benefits of Fido’s Forest:

  • Engaging energy outlet for running, playing, and exploring
  • Sniffing opportunities can decrease your dog’s anxiety and improve their mood
  • Opportunity to train for recalls, fetch, dog sports, or general cues
  • Freedom of movement offers agency, reduces stress, and increases your dog’s confidence
  • Exploring off leash can build cardio and muscle strength and can help overweight dogs with weight loss
  • Physical activity can help relieve the pain of arthritic joints (consult your veterinarian)
  • The absence of other dogs, traffic, city noises, or people can help calm your dog and avoid reactivity
  • Providing a bonding experience with you and your dog
  • Offers HUMANS time in nature, which is vital to our mental and physical health